Saturday, 13 February 2016

Inter-personal Relationships among Christians

Peter's teaching on how Christians should relate with each other is found in 1 Peter 5: 1-11. There, Peter described the role of Christian elders in the church and how they should relate to other Christians so as to ensure discipline and unity. He emphasized that it was the duty of the elders in the church to tend the flock of God under their charge. They should do this eagerly, willingly and selflessly, not for shameful gain, but not by a domineering attitude towards those under them, but through exemplary lives. See how Christians should relate with non-Christians here.

This means that as the shepherd of the flock, the elders should provide spiritual guidance for the younger ones, tend and direct them, so as to overcome the evils of the society. The elders should emulate Christ who is the chief shepherd so that they might obtain the unfading crown of glory when the chief shepherd would be made manifest.

In the same way, the younger ones were advised to be subject to the elders and humble towards one another, for God opposes the proud, but give grace to the humble. They should take the advice of the elders, respect them and see them as them as their spiritual models.

Peter cautioned both the young and elderly to be sober and watchful, knowing that their adversary, Satan, the devil prowls around likes a roaring lion for its prey. They should resist Satan at all cost.

In summary, Peter encouraged Christians to be firm in their faith knowing that suffering was the lot of the entire brotherhood of Christians, all over the world. However, he assured them that the God of grace who called them to eternal glory in Christ, would not only restore and establish them but would strengthen them.

 Significance of Peter’s Teaching on Interpersonal Relationship among Christians
  • Our practice of Christianity requires the manifestation in our lives, the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ.
  • Obedience to the civil authorities, and all human institutions for the well-being of the society, is an important Christian requirement.
  • Suffering on account of Jesus without a justifiable reason attracts great blessing.
  • The practical life of a Christian produces a greater result in the conversion of the unbeliever than preaching and teaching.

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