Saturday, 17 October 2015

Justification by Faith

The word "justification" means to be "found innocent of a charge." It also means to be found guiltless or acquitted of a charge. Paul's teaching on justification by faith could be seen in Romans 3:24-25.

Paul, in his teaching on justification, points out that man is naturally sinful -"all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

Throughout the ages, Paul says, God has sent His prophets and other servants of His to teach men to become righteous. Moses gave the law to the Israelites to help them improve on their attitude towards God. All efforts by the Jews to live a righteous life have been in vain because God's righteousness is not based on on observance of the law.
However, God's righteousness can become man's only through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. God, therefore, sent His Son who died on the cross for the salvation of man. For Paul, Jesus Christ is the "end" of the law so that everyone who has faith will be justified.

Faith is exercised by confessing with one's lips that Jesus is Lord and by believing in one's heart that God raised him from the dead.

The redemptive work of Christ is a gift through which sinners (who were enemies of God) receive reconciliation that acquits them and makes them acceptable to God. Hence, faith is the only basis or ground/condition for justification for both Jews and Gentiles, according to Paul.

The Fruits of Justification
1. Access to God: The acceptance of a sinner as a righteous person by God grants him access to the grace of God (His presence).

2. Reconciliation to God: Christians are reconciled to God by Jesus' death and saved by his resurrection.
 3. Peace with God: The forgiveness of sin affords Christians peace with God - they are no longer in enmity with God.
 4. Joy: Christians rejoice in the realization that they are now made friends with God by the atoning death of Jesus Christ.
 5. Hope of eternal life: Justification gives Christians the hope of eternal life with God and they have the hope of becoming all that God had in mind for them to be - to show the glory of God.
 6. Endurance: Justification enables the Christian to endure in the midst of suffering and trials; for these produce patience in them which in turn strengthens their hope that they will not be ashamed.
 7. The love of God: The strong love of God is put in the heart of a Christian by the Holy Spirit given to him/her - nothing can separate him/her from the love of God which he/she gets through justification.

Significance of Paul's Teaching on Justification by Faith
 1. Paul's teaching on justification shows that Christians are "no longer under the law" but under grace.
 2. It assures Christians of eternal salvation.
 3. It enables Christians to face life's challenges with courage.
 4. Faith motivates Christians for good works in every field of human endeavour.
 5. Faith in Jesus equips the Christian with moral consciousness and power to overcome the forces of evil.

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